Missing Teeth

Welcome to Today’s Dental, West Columbia, where we offer effective solutions for missing teeth. Missing teeth can negatively impact your smile’s appearance, especially if they are in the front, or hinder your ability to chew properly when located at the back.

At our modern dental clinic, our experienced dentists provide top-notch options to replace your lost teeth and meet your unique needs. Our process begins with a comprehensive clinical examination and analysis of your case, enabling us to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to you.

  • Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs): Also known as RPDs, these dentures are designed to replace one or multiple missing teeth. They are worn during the day and stored safely in water or a designated case at night. While they may feature metal clasps for stability, they can sometimes be visible while eating or smiling, affecting aesthetics. Additionally, RPDs may not fit properly or feel loose, leading to discomfort during speech and chewing. However, they offer an economical option that can be fabricated within a few days, making them accessible to individuals from all walks of life.
  • Bridges: Bridges are an effective solution for replacing a missing tooth with adjacent teeth acting as supports. The teeth on either side of the gap are prepared by undergoing cutting and endodontic treatment, followed by the placement of crowns. An artificial tooth, known as a pontic, is then attached to the crowns and cemented in place, forming the bridge. While bridges can be fabricated without root canal treatment (RCT), there is a higher risk of bridge failure as the supporting tooth becomes weaker. Proper hygiene, including regular flossing, is crucial for maintaining the bridge. Bridges can replace multiple teeth simultaneously, but they are generally more expensive than dentures.
  • Complete Dentures: Complete dentures are removable dental appliances that provide a solution for fully edentulous patients. Before fabricating complete dentures (CDs), we closely monitor the patient’s bone support and ridge resorption. If the buccal mucosa, ridges, and bone are in good condition, CDs can be easily created. These dentures offer strength and durability, enabling proper mastication of food.
  • Implants: Implants are considered the optimal choice for replacing missing teeth. While they are a costly investment, dental implants can last up to ten years. Functionally and aesthetically, implants closely resemble natural teeth, restoring your ability to chew and enhancing your smile. The implant is surgically placed or drilled into the maxilla or mandible bone, depending on the location of the missing tooth. A crown is then affixed to the implant, completing the restoration.

Hopefully, till now, you would have understood about what options you can get for the replacement of your missing teeth. So if you want more information about any of our treatments then kindly contact us. We will be very happy to help you with all your problems. 

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