Cleaning & Prevention in West Columbia, USA

Cleanings and Prevention
Necessity of Cleaning and Prevention

Looking for a dental office in West Columbia, USA that offers comprehensive cleanings and preventive care? Look no further than Todays Dental @ West Columbia. Our team of experienced dentists is dedicated to providing top-quality dental services, including cleanings, to help you maintain optimal oral health.

Affordable Dental Cleaning Services in West Columbia

We understand that the cost of dental care can be a concern. At Todays Dental @ West Columbia, we offer competitive pricing for our dental cleaning services. The average cost of a dental cleaning without insurance at our clinic ranges from $100 to $199, depending on the type of cleaning required, from a regular cleaning to a deep dental cleaning (SRP). We strive to make our services accessible to all, ensuring you receive the care you need without breaking the bank.

Why Are Dental Cleanings Necessary?

Regular dental cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral health. Neglecting dental hygiene can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues. Many individuals avoid dental visits due to fear, but by doing so, they put their oral health at risk. Our skilled dentists provide gentle and comfortable cleanings, ensuring a positive experience for every patient.

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Why Regular Dental Cleanings Are Essential

Regular dental cleanings offer numerous benefits for your oral health. Here are five reasons why you need to schedule regular dental cleanings:

  1. Prevent Cavities: Dental cleanings help eliminate cavity-causing bacteria and remove existing cavities, ensuring your teeth stay healthy and cavity-free.
  2. Remove Plaque and Tartar: Professional dental cleanings effectively remove plaque and tartar build-up, reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.
  3. Prevent Gum Disease: Dental cleanings play a vital role in preventing gum disease. Our skilled dental team will thoroughly clean your gums, eliminating harmful bacteria that can lead to gum inflammation and periodontal problems.
  4. Eliminate Bad Breath: Dental cleanings help combat bad breath by removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria responsible for foul odors, leaving your breath fresh and clean.
  5. Early Detection of Oral Cancer: Regular dental cleanings include oral cancer screenings, allowing our dentists to identify any potential signs or symptoms early on, increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Dental Cleaning: Simple vs. Deep Cleaning

During your routine checkup, our dentists will determine whether you need a simple cleaning or a deep cleaning. A simple cleaning is performed to maintain healthy gums by removing bacteria and tartar build-up. It helps prevent gum disease and keeps your gums in excellent condition.

If gum disease is detected and “pockets” form, indicating a larger amount of bacteria and tartar accumulation, a deep cleaning may be required. Our dentists will thoroughly clean the pockets, reducing the risk of further oral health complications and ensuring your overall dental well-being.

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The Forms of Preventive Dentistry

Brushing your teeth twice every day and flossing them once every day is an important part of preventive dentistry. You may have heard from your dentist that brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, for at least two minutes each time, is essential to ensure the most beneficial results.

It is also essential to replace your toothbrush every three months or as soon as the bristles begin to appear worn or frayed. Additionally, brushing your tongue can help to remove any bacteria that lingers at the back of your mouth. Thereby further reducing the possibility of cavities or gum disease as well as freshening your breath. Flossing your teeth helps to complete the job that brushing begins. Getting the food particles and bacteria that collect in places that are too small for toothbrush bristles to reach. Your dentist will demonstrate the perfect flossing technique so that you can be sure to get the most out of this valuable habit.

How Frequent Dental Cleaning has to be Done?

Visiting your dentist at least twice a year (and more often where needed and recommended) for thorough examinations and professional cleanings are also important to preventive dentistry. This may feel pointless to you if you participate in excellent oral hygiene habits and aren’t experiencing any oral health issues. However, the fact is that your dentist is trained and experienced in detecting issues that may very well be too small for you to even notice.

The value of having these issues detected early on is that they can often be easily and rapidly resolved. Allowing them to grow until something is wrong can lead to you experiencing discomfort and investment of Time and Money.

In some cases, dentists can bring your awareness to overall health issues that you may not have otherwise known about. This is because your oral health is very deeply connected with your overall health. Many general health issues can first show symptoms in your mouth. Again, detecting these issues early on can often allow for a much easier and faster resolution.

Depending upon your oral health and overall health condition, your dentist may suggest:

  • That you see them twice a year,
  • That you see them more often in order to benefit fully from cleanings and other preventive actions. 

He may also want to verify that you are eating a balanced diet. Diet provides your teeth with the nutrients they need to remain better protected against injury and decay. This includes:

  • Limiting, reducing, or even eliminating your sugar intake,
  • Drinking plenty of water each and every day,
  • Eating a varied diet to ensure you get all the vitamins that are necessary to help create and maintain a healthy smile.

Uses & Benefits of Dental Cleaning (Preventive Dentistry)

With proper oral hygiene habits, cleaning and prevention techniques, an individual can work to prevent problems such as cavities, gingivitis, enamel loss, periodontitis, and more. This means that children, who are just developing their adult teeth, can ensure that these teeth are established as strong and healthy as possible from the beginning. While adults can ensure that their aging teeth remain in good condition and are therefore not lost. Furthermore, some of the overall health problems that can be prevented with proper oral health include:

  • Diabetes,
  • Heart disease,
  • Osteoporosis,
  • Respiratory disease,
  • Cancer.

For more information about cleanings and preventive dentistry habits or treatments, please contact Todays Dental Now.

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