Sports Dentistry

The world has welcomed modern dentistry and multiple advancements with open arms covering all the arenas of our daily life. One such area is called Sports dentistry in which the dentists deal with the prevention of dental injuries or oral problems related to sports as well as it’s treatment. Since playing sports leads to a lot of injuries like ligament tears, sprain or fractures; it also includes dental accidents like tooth fractures, avulsion etc which can be a serious issue. And that’s what is the role of sports dentistry, to ensure it provides treatments related to any sports injury in an emergency or non-emergency situation. 

Source – OGSZM

What are sports related dental injuries ?

Injuries which are caused while playing sports or exercising are managed under Sports dentistry. 

  • The front teeth, majorly incisors get involved in such injuries. 
  • Lip laceration is also common in which bleeding and swelling occurs due to the injury to lips. 
  • Cheek injury, fracture of tooth or root fractures are also very common in sports. 
  • Moreover avulsion or knocking out of the whole teeth due to blow out injuries are also managed under sports dentistry . 

How does Sports Dentistry manage such cases ? 

Mouth guards or helmets are majorly used in sports dentistry for protecting the athletes from any injury or danger.

We have seen cricketers or athletes wearing a mouth guard in their mouth covering their teeth. They protect the upper teeth and are designed to prevent the cuts of the lips or other common oral injury. 

What are the types of Mouthguards ? 

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Boil and bite Mouth guards : As the name suggests, this mouth guard comes in a plastic form which needs to be boiled first which makes it moldable and you can bite on it to get it as per your fit. The only disadvantage is the procedure is a little hectic.

Stock mouth guard : Well if you are looking for an inexpensive mouth guard then you can go for this. It is a pre-formed mouth guard which just needs to be worn as it is. It lacks the proper fit and is very uncomfortable when used. 

Custom made mouthguards : This is a type which is customised by your sports dentists as per your mouth. The impression of your teeth is taken and then with a suitable material the mouth guard is fabricated on it giving the proper fit you need. It is thus expensive and takes time to get made but highly efficient. 

That’s how Sports dentistry helps the athletes and the kids from preventing any dental injury. We, at TODAYS DENTAL, provide treatment for sports injury and mouth guard fabrication both for kids and adults sports enthusiasts. 

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