Healthy foods for your Healthy teeth !

As we all know, diet has a major role in our body because what goes in is manifestated on the outside. So did you know , there are many foods which your mouth most probably prefers to have so as to keep that perfect smile of yours in check ! ? Yes!Here we are today to know how foods can help in keeping your mouth healthy ? 

As we all know having a good oral hygiene is the most primary thing in this process . Brushing regularly and flossing helps in removal of all the sugars , plaques and debris which can lead to periodontal diseases or cavities. Thus just focusing on food and ignoring your oral hygiene routine won’t help it . You need to put some efforts on both of these things so as to attain a state of perfect oral health.

So let us know what are the various foods that are important for your teeth : 

  • Cranberries : These are the fruits which help in preventing the plaque buildup because it contain polyphenols which help in prevention of sticking of plaques onto the teeth thus cavities are prevented. 
  • Green tea : These also contains polyphenols same as cranberries which help in preventing the plaque buildup by slowing the bacterias and its growth which can lead to cavities or periodontal diseases. It was discovered that rinsing your mouth with black tea or green tea is more useful than with water . The plaque buildup was greatly reduced moreover it also helped in halitosis or the bad breath of the Mouth . 
  • Raisins : Though these are extremely sweet but it does not contain sucrose in it instead they have photochemicals which can remove all the bacterial organisms causing cavity or diseases . There are many othe compounds as well present in it which help in preventing the growth of bacterias. 
  • Cheese : Cheese raises the ph level of the mouth and thus helps in lowering the decaying process of the tooth. As we chew cheese saliva also increase in the mouth moreover it also has many nutrients which help in strengthening of the teeth for eg. Calcium and proteins . 
  • Almonds or nuts : these crunchy nuts are a very good source of nutrients for the mouth . They have calcium , proteins along with low sugar . You can eat them in lunch and can get maximal benefits from it. 
  • Carrots : Carrots are again full of fibres and nutrients like vitamin A. whenever it is eaten saliva production increases in the mouth which lowers the risk of cavities.

Till now you must have understood what is the importance of a good diet and how it can help in keeping a good oral hygiene. So keep a check on your diet cause it can really affect your body and your mouth. Having the above mentioned options in your diet chart can definitely help in preventing caries and gum disease. 

If you have any queries then you can contact us for more info regarding the topic . Moreover for treatments and regular dental checkup kindly book your appointments! 

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