Ever heard of Enamel Erosion ?

Do you guys know what is the hardest tissue present in the human body ? ENAMEL! Yes it is tougher than anything present ! It is present as the outer layer of your teeth which protects it from any damage chemical or physical. Thus it is the primary covering which comes in contact with various substances in the mouth. Enamel erosion is said to occur when this layer or the enamel undergoes wear and tear. 

It can lead to many problems so let’s discuss that first ! 


  •  It can lead to cracks in your teeth or chipping of the teeth.the teeth basically becomes weak thus it is vulnerable to physical damage as fractures. 
  • Increase in tooth sensitivity to hot, cold,spicy acidic and sweet foods. 
  • Staining of your teeth due to drinks or any chemicals leading to yellowish or brownish discolouration. 
  • Increase in decaying of the teeth or causing translucent teeth. 

What causes Enamel erosion ? 

Your diet have a great impact on your teeth,

Having a particular diet can help in preventing such problems as what we eat is what we are. So having harsh food substances can really affect your teeth. Let’s discuss about the various types of such foods : 

Acidic foods attack the tooth components and cause it’s demineralisation or erosion, so prevent eating acidic foods which are in citrus fruits, berries or their drinks.

 Sodas should also be ignored as they have sugar with acids in it. Sugary substances like caramel or syrups also causes erosion . These cause dissolution of the teeth components and impart staining to it as well. 

Other problems include grinding of teeth,in which chipping of the enamel layer of tooth occurs due to excessive mechanical pressure generated from grinding. 

GERD or Gastroesophageal diseases in which regular exposure of the teeth occurs with intestinal acids which causes erosion. 

People on medication like aspirin can also lead to erosion so avoid any kind of dependency. 

What are the treatments of Enamel erosion ? 

Bonding is a great process in which all the fractured or chipped parts of the tooth are replaced from a tooth colored substance called resins. The tooth surface is etched and the resin is bonded to it through polymerizing light. Thus reestablishing the shape,size,function and contour of the tooth.

In extreme cases, veneers or crowns are advised to the patient in which bonding can’t  be done as the teeth are more damaged. They cover the tooth structure and re establish the size shape function of the teeth. 

So, if you guys also have any above mentioned symptoms then kindly feel free to contact us and get your appointment booked . We will be very happy to help you with all your dental problems and provide you with the best dental care in a very secure and safe environment.  For appointments click here.

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